Tutor is a student who voluntarily participates in helping and guiding the new students.
Tutor helps, guides and advises students throughout the first years of study. You can turn to your tutor in big or small matters, be it study or personal.
Tutoring works in two groups: Peer tutor and International tutor. Tutors can also act as a Sports tutor.
Tutoring affairs person
tiina mäki-jouppila
For the ideal Student life, studying, homework and exams should be balanced with quality free time. SAMO arranges events for SeAMK students all year long. SAMO's event affairs persons's responsibilities are to arrange student parties, semester opening and May Day.
SAMO's events work group SAKU arranges the student parties throughout the year.
Event affairs person
Janne Siirtola
The Cultural Affairs Person organises other SAMO events, such as outings, as well as other smaller and non-alcoholic events, such as SAMO Hangouts, various workshops and overall horse races, theme days, overall sleddings and a flea market day. SAMO's Cultural Affairs Person is also responsible for the organisation and running of SAMO's Birthday parties.
Culture is a new sector for the 2024 board.
CULTURE affairs person
Jere Ylihaavisto
international affairs
SAMO's International affairs main job is to help the degree and exchange students to adapt to the Finnish study life. International students usually have questions about studies, accommodation, health care and free time opportunities. SAMO is here to help to give or find answers for these questions.
SAMO is also in charge of the trusteeship of international students and is in charge of training international tutors.
SAMO arranges events and trips for international students, for example Trip to Lapland.
The goal for SAMO is to integrate the international and Finnish students to become one big SeAMK community.
International affairs person
jere ylihaavisto
(c) Tim Bensberg
Trusteeship sector is responsible for matters relating to the education of students. These include course content, the quality of study, work placements, degree structures and training to support educational systems.
As well as care for student’s well-being in living, healthcare and student livelihood.
Trusteeship affairs person
kaisa ollila
SAMO's person of wellness affairs works in co-operation with SAMO's event, sports and tutor affairs persons. The wellness affairs person organizes well-being related events, acts as an assistant to the sports affairs person and participates in the training of tutors as needed. He/She also monitors the well-being of SAMO's board and employees.
Wellness affairs person
kaisa ollila
To help balance your study life, SAMO arranges a great variety of sport activities for their members.
From regular weekly sports shifts, to different sports tournaments during the year. This give the student a way to exercise in a fun and easygoing environment.
As a member of SAMO you can get many discounts from different sport places around Seinäjoki.
More sports infoformation, and upcoming events will be found from SAMOs Facebook group "SAMO SPORTS-SAMO LIIKUNTA"
Sport affairs person
Jenna Vähärautio