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Is your membership valid?

  • SAMO's membership is valid when you have enrolled as a student for the current semester and have paid SAMO's membership fee.

  • You can identify yourself as a member with a Student card that has a valid semester sticker OR mobile student card Slice, wich validity is indicated by the date on the card and the pulsating "tick" in the corner. You can get the semester sticker from SAMO's office.

  • The membership fee is 35€ for the whole academic year or 25€ for the autumn or spring semester.

  • NOTE! If you have paid the full membership fee upon joining, you can automatically apply for a new sticker on your card!

  • The fall semester membership and sticker is valid until 31st January. The membership and sticker for the whole academic year and the spring semester will be valid until 30th September.





  • Sign in with your [at] email address.

  • You will receive a personal link to your email (valid for 10min) to continue your membership.

  • Choose a membership time of 2 years, 1 year or ½year.

  • If your photo information is missing from your registry, download a jpg image to the form. The picture should be passport-type face image (you can take a "selfie" picture with phone and crop the image in the forms photo tool).

  • Accept the membership terms.

  • Pay the membership fee for one of the available payment options (online banking, payment card, mobilepay).

  • Once your payment is logged in (a couple of business days), you can apply for a new sticker from SAMO office.

  • After you have paid the membership fee and / or added a photo, you will also receive a membership application and a mobile studentcard if you don't have it already. Read more about Slice

Log in to the form here


  • Continuation of membership and payment of membership fee is also possible at SAMO's office.

  • At the office, you can pay membership fee with both cash and bank or credit cards.

  • After payment, you will get the new sticker on your card and your mobile student card "valid until" date is updated.


Once your membership fee has been paid, you can get new sticker for your student card from samo office!

if you can't come to SAMO OFFICE to get your sticker:

  • Pay your membership fee by one of the methods above.

  • Send your student card to SAMO via mail: SAMO, PO Box 412, 60101 Seinäjoki.

  • Put a return envelope with the return stamp and your address on the cover.

  • Once your payment has appears on our register, we will change your new sticker to your card and mail it back to you.

If you have any questions about continuing membership or getting a new semester sticker, please contact our office.​

Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunta SAMO


Kampusranta 11 (Frami F, 1. krs.)


020-124 5039


Toimiston aukioloajat:

Ma - To 09:00 -15:00

Pe 09:00 - 14:00

Jos tarvitset palvelua toimiston aukioloaikojen ulkopuolella, ota yhteyttä samo[at]

Opening hours between

Mon - Thu 09:00 -15:00

Fri 09:00 - 14:00

If you need service outside office hours, please contact samo[at]

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