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Do you want to get ID for the mobile studentcard SLICE or has your contact information changed?

You can view and update your membership information and add a photo using the Membership Information Update Form:


  • Please sign in with your [at] email address.

  • You will receive a personal link to your email (valid for 10min) through which you can access the form.

  • Please check and update your personal and contact information if necessary.

  • If your photo information is missing from your registry, paste the jpg image through the form. The picture should be so-called. passport-type face image (also good for the picture taken with the phone, you can crop the image with the form cutter).

  • Accept the membership terms.

  • After adding a photo, you will also get a membership application and a mobile student card. Slice sends your login ID and instructions for using the application Read more about Slice

Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunta SAMO


Kampusranta 11 (Frami F, 1. krs.)


020-124 5039


Toimiston aukioloajat:

Ma - To 09:00 -15:00

Pe 09:00 - 14:00

Jos tarvitset palvelua toimiston aukioloaikojen ulkopuolella, ota yhteyttä samo[at]

Opening hours between

Mon - Thu 09:00 -15:00

Fri 09:00 - 14:00

If you need service outside office hours, please contact samo[at]

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