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Privacy policy
Personal data Act (523/99) 10 §

1. Register

Arcada studerandekår (ASK)
Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunta (HAMKO)
Keski-Pohjanmaan ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunta (COPSA)
Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunta (LAUREAMKO)
Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunta (MAMOK)
Rovaniemen ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunta (CAMOS)
Saimaan ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunta (SAIKO)
Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunta (SAMMAKKO)
Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunta (SAMO)
Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunta (SAVOTTA)
Studerandekåren vid Yrkehögskolan Novia (NOVIUM)
Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunta (TAMKO)
Turun ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunta (TUO)
Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunta (VAMOK)

2. The person/s in charge of the register

Jani Erkkonen, Secretary General, Seinäjoki University Student Union- SAMO
Phone number: 040 546 1777
Email: jani.erkkonen[at]
Address: Keskuskatu 34, 60100 Seinäjoki


Jani Hyppänen, Secretary General, The Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences – SAMOK
Phone number: 050 389 1010
Email: jani.hyppanen[at]
Address: Lapinrinne 2, 00180 Helsinki

3. Name of the register

Membership register

4. Intentions of the use of personal data (the intended use of the register)

Associations Act  (503/1989) 11§ membership list. Personal data Act (523/1999) 8§: in point 5. The access requirements is management of the membership.

5. The registers information content

Last name
First name
membership number
Type of membership
Student Union
Schooling organization
Student number
Old membership number
Former last name

Address when studies start
Postnumber when studies start
Locality when studies start
Posting the Unions magazine
Place of residence
Email address
Phone number
Starting year
Training Unit
Degree program

Class ID, Group ID
Joining date
Information od registration
Billing and paying of membership fees
Sport sticker information
Information of possible position of trust in Student Union
Status of the card
Type of card
Ordering information of the card
Sticker distibution information
Student type
Status of membership
Marketing authorization
Membership of email lists

6. Data source regulations

The information is gotten from the member theirself by a onlin or paper application. Identification and the right to study are reviewed and if needed updated with the consent of the student.

7. Regulations in giving information outside EU or European Economic Area

With the consent of the member their personal data can be given to the student union partners for direct marketing purposes. Partners do not share personal information with third parties. Information is not disclosed or transferred outside the EU or the European Economic Area.

8. The right to audit information

Everyone has the right to know what information has been saved about them in the register. 
Jokaisella on oikeus saada tietää mitä tietoja hänestä on tallennettu tässä rekisteriselosteessa tarkoitettuun rekisteriin. Jokainen voi myös tarkistaa, ettei tässä rekisterissä ole häntä koskevia tietoja.

You can check your data for free once a year. The request for a audit has to be singed and brought personally or in another way that is reliably send to the Unions office. 

The data can also be checked personally at the Unions office. Your identity is checked before handing over the data. 

The right to check your information can be only denied in some exceptions. If the Union denies the request to check your data they give a written letter or refusal. If a disagreement occurs the registered person has the right to get help from data protection supervisor: Tietosuojavaltuutetun toimisto, PL 315, 00181 HELSINKI.

9. Fixing information

The Student union correct, fills or removes wrong, unnecessary or old information from the register.

You can ask your information to be corrected by written request or by visiting the Unions office, your identification will be checked.

If the Union refuses to correct the info they will give a written letter of refusal. If a disagreement occurs  the registered person has the right to get help from data protection supervisor: Tietosuojavaltuutetun toimisto, PL 315, 00181 HELSINKI.

10. Protection of the register

Only a few Student Union employees, trustee and members of the Student Union as well ass some people working in behalf of the Union have the right to use the register. The register has different user levels users only get to see the information that is necessary for their job. Every user has their own user name and password that is required when singing in.  

Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunta SAMO


Kampusranta 11 (Frami F, 1. krs.)


020-124 5039


Toimiston aukioloajat:

Ma - To 09:00 -15:00

Pe 09:00 - 14:00

Jos tarvitset palvelua toimiston aukioloaikojen ulkopuolella, ota yhteyttä samo[at]

Opening hours between

Mon - Thu 09:00 -15:00

Fri 09:00 - 14:00

If you need service outside office hours, please contact samo[at]

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